Monday, April 15, 2013

St George trip

2 weeks ago we went to St. George. We mostly went because my grandpa Ted was in the hospital and not doing well and we felt like we really needed to go see him. We were also very excited to visit my parents and my sister's family.

We loved hanging out in my parents back yard. My dad has done a lot of work back there and it's just sooo beautiful!

 we walked around the temple!

love my family/

6 months old

Eli's 6 months old now! this month was really fun because Eli gets to eat with us now. His favorite food is strawberries but he eats almost everything we give him. His least favorite food is still broccoli. He hates it!

 messy but organic and delicious

Eli is 18.3 lbs now and 27.3 inches long. His growth has slowed down a lot this month.

He started sleeping on his tummy this month. The first time I found him on his tummy I kind of panicked but it is now his preferred way to sleep and he actually sleeps much better that way.

At Eli's 6 month Dr's appointment he got his shots which he handled much better this time. and we also talked to his pediatrician about his dry skin and tummy issues. We decided he definitely has a dairy sensitivity so no more dairy for mama...
so far Eli is feeling better. His rash is almost gone and he is sleeping SO MUCH BETTER! Last night he only woke up once! and he usually wakes up 5-10 times a night. Then he took a nap for almost 4 hours today. I can't believe I didn't figure this out for 6 months! But I'm glad things are getting better.

This month we also went to St. George to visit family and Eli did pretty well on the drive and loved seeing grandpa and grandma, auntie holly and uncle josh, and cousin zoey.
I'll talk more about our trip in a future post.
sitting in grass for the first time in St. George. He clearly hates it...

 this is Eli's new favorite toy from Uncle John David.

So that's it. My big boy is half a year old. I'm enjoying every day with my sweet boy. We love him so much!