Saturday, August 18, 2012

34 weeks + 5 days = restless pregnant woman

I was pretty emotional when John left for work this morning. I hate waking up right as he's leaving so I just have to say goodbye really quick. My pregnancy hormones are making me feel very fragile lately. I can break down at any minute :)
soooo, I ate a giant m&m cookie with a glass of milk for breakfast, and my mood is turning around! :) the cookie was actually John's and I was eyeing it ALL night, every time I got up to go to the bathroom. 6 times! I ALMOST ate the cookie at 3 in the morning but I just couldn't do that to my poor husband. He loves cookies! But then this morning as he was leaving for work, he gave me the cookie... oh I have the best husband in the world!

my plan for today is just to relax and watch movies, and just enjoy being pregnant. I told John that i'm either having this baby soon (like 2 weeks) or I'm not going to be able to move for 5 weeks. I swear, there is no way baby Eli can get any bigger, or he's gonna rip my belly open with his kicks.
I can't wait to go into labor! I'm so excited. We're planning a completely natural birth, laboring mostly at home with our friends and my parents plan to come as soon as my labor starts. It's going to be an awesome, super empowering experience. I am so looking forward to the first time I see him and hold him. What an amazing moment that will be.

Our apartment is all clean and organized! There's nothing left to do but wait for Eli to come.
If you have any suggestions for ways to keep myself busy (that don't require a lot of energy... or moving) please let me know! I'm gonna be going crazy these next few weeks.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Almost 31 weeks!

I think I know what Eli's hiccups feel like now, and he definitely has them all. the. time. It sure is cute though.

Hitting the 30 week mark sure did feel like a giant milestone. I'd like to say it "sure doesn't feel like 30 weeks already" but... IT DOES! I am very glad I only have 10 or so weeks left. Lets hope for less! I do not do well as a pregnant woman. Sure, I like my cute belly and I'm so excited to have Eli, but being pregnant really sucks. I did not anticipate being in so much pain or getting so little sleep before he is even born! nobody tells you this stuff.
I finally went and bought 3 more pillows and FINALLY got some sleep last night. So i'm feeling pretty good, and my plan is to completely organize Eli's room and wash all of his clothes and blankets and such so I won't have to worry about it.

My husband is so awesome. This week has been his last week of school so that means tests everyday. So far he is getting way good scores and doing great! Today is his last big test and he studied like crazy so I hope he does really well. So during John's busiest and most stressful week, I have just about the worst week of my life too. (mostly from lack of sleep and a bad attitude) But John has been so patient and loving. What a great guy! He brought me flowers yesterday :) just to make me feel better, and it sure did work! I have such a wonderful husband, every girl (especially pregnant ones) deserve to have a husband like mine. he's great!

Monday, July 9, 2012

29 weeks, minnesota trip, baby shower :)

Well we just got back from Minnesota this morning at 5, then I started my new babysitting job at 730. yep, I only got about an hour of good sleep. It's been a long day! But i love my job, the kids are so adorable!

Our little vacation was really awesome. We went to John's sister's wedding on Saturday and then went camping at lake Itasca. We were both very sad to go home :( It was so awesome to finally meet John's brother, David. And John loved seeing him after 8 years or so... they were inseparable the entire time. so cute.

I'm 29 weeks now and feeling pretty huge and tired. We now have almost everything we need for Eli thanks to all the grandparents and sisters. I can't wait! Getting the carseat last week (thanks mom and dad) made everything seem so REAL! I can't believe he'll be here in just a couple more months.

Last week we moved to a WAY better apartment and we are very very happy about it. Right now it looks pretty awful. nothing is unpacked because we've been so busy. I have a lot to do in the next few weeks but boy oh boy is it nice to have air conditioning and clean carpet! Yippee. No more smelly nasty moldy hot stinky apartment! wahoo!

We also had a baby shower last week with our st anthony friends. It was way fun! Here are the highlights!

 Mom did not like the idea of this poopy diaper game. It's just chocolate!
 hmm delicious... looks like caramel

smell it. smell it good.
Presents! thanks everybody!

Here are a couple of pictures from the wedding. John and I were the photographers.

Pregnancy brain: forgot to put the seasonings in the stir fry tonight. Oops. We ate it all before we realized it was missing flavor. Must be because we are SO tired! 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

27th week. Fat and emotional.

I'm in my 27th week now. I'm not taking a picture this week... I basically look the same as I do in the last picture, except this week I just feel fat and emotional. These pregnancy hormones are kicking my butt.

We're moving in 3 days! I can't believe it's finally here! I have been so anxious to get out of this apartment ever since I've been pregnant. It smells! I swear there's mold everywhere and things are growing in the 1970's carpet and no matter how clean we keep it, it always smells like rotten potatoes and dirt. It doesn't help that I have these crazy super strength smelling powers now that I'm preggo.
I basically have the entire apartment packed up, I'm just sitting here anxiously waiting to get out!
Our new apartment is way better, and cheaper! It's 2 bedroom and has air conditioning. Hallelujah!

My mom and dad are coming to visit this weekend and John and I are super excited! While they're here, my friends are throwing us a baby shower. It's actually a BaByQ. (get it? like BBQ... cool huh?) Anyway, it will be really fun to hang out with my parents for a few days. Then next week we get to drive to Minnesota to hang out with John's family for a few days. His sister is getting married and then we're going camping!

I've been working on our wedding scrapbook lately. I figure I should do it now or it will never get done. It's pretty cute :) but it sure does make me emotional. I can't believe I'm already married and having a baby!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day, John!

It's John's first Father's Day! no, I don't consider him a "soon-to-be father" (as everyone called him today at church) He IS a father and a very good one. He has a baby and he takes good care of him by taking care of me! I love it when John talks to my belly and little Eli kicks like crazy! He loves hearing his voice.

I'm so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man that will take care of our family. John is a hard worker and very loving. I thought a lot about how awesome he is as we were sitting in church today. When we first got to church, John whispered to two little boys sitting in front of us, that if they were reverent through sacrament meeting, he would make them something really cool. (they were probably more misbehaved than they would have been because they kept turning around to see what he was making for them, but that's okay) anyway, he made them little oragami army tanks. You should have seen the looks on their faces when he gave it to them. Those boys think John is just the coolest guy in the world... and they're right!
I love that a year later, i'm still realizing how cool my husband is. I know I married him quick (three months, barely knew him) but it was the best decision I've ever made. Definitely guided by Heavenly Father. It's a huge blessing to be married to a man that takes care of me. It's an even bigger blessing to know he'll be an amazing dad to all of our kids. John really has a way with kids. Our primary kids adore him. Today in sacrament meeting he waved to one of the 10 yr old girls in our class. Every little girl has a crush on John, but this girl especially gets so shy and cute when John talks to her or waves to her.

What an amazing man to make lots of babies with. And I'm totally leaving out the fact that they're going to be half asian, drop dead gorgeous BABIES! I'm so lucky....
I love you Honey! Thanks for being the Father of my beautiful babies!

I'd also like to say Happy Father's Day to my dad! He's so great! He taught me how I deserve to be treated by a man, so I have him to thank for helping me find a great husband. I love you Dad!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

24 weeks!

Eli sure is growing! He probably weighs about a pound now. 
His kicks are a lot stronger now and boy does he like to swim around! I can't slouch anymore (which is a good thing) because he really gets up in my ribs and tickles me. I just love laying on my back and watching my tummy wiggle. It is our new entertainment. Forget about date night and going to the movies, we'll just stay home and stare at our tiny baby wiggling around in my tummy. I'm sure things won't change much when he's born, Eli will be entertainment enough. We're so excited to have him on the outside!

I'm finally starting to enjoy my pregnancy now that I don't throw up every single thing I eat or drink. (I only throw up occasionally now) I've only gained 2 pounds which is pretty cool, so for a few days I just ate every thing I wanted, no matter how unhealthy. I figured I deserved it after being deprived for 5 months. But now, after talking with my filipina friend, Nicole, I've decided to eat a lot healthier. We were chatting on facebook yesterday for about 2 hours and the whole time I was either eating ice cream sandwiches or smores. (yes, smores have been my number one craving) She helped me think of some healthier things to eat so now I'm really eating as healthy as I can. besides the 4 handfuls of reeses pieces I had for breakfast today.... ....moving on!

It's so nice to not be sick anymore, I've been able to keep the house clean and I've done the dishes for a whole week now! That's very rare for me, even if I'm not pregnant. But now that I don't want to just lay in bed for weeks, I'm getting very bored. I've been working on a few things but I really need ideas for hobbies. Let me know if you have any awesome ideas. (preferably something free or very cheap)

This is Eli's baby book I'm working on.
 This is a nursing cover I made so I can breastfeed in public!

church was great today, as always. Our primary kids were very good and the weather was so nice we had class outside. I also volunteered to play the piano for singing time. It was terrifying but John says I did great. Also, exactly 12 years ago, I was baptized. I'm super glad my grandpa baptized me, even though I didn't go to church until 2 years ago. I'm so blessed now in my life and I know it's because I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The best blessing in my life is to be sealed to my family. It's wonderful to know that as long as we keep our covenants, no matter what happens, we can be together forever. 
Thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

18 weeks! Almost half way there

So I thought I'd do a little update of our lives. I have a hard time remembering who all might read this blog so I don't know where to start... I'll start with the obvious stuff. We live in St. Anthony Idaho now and John is going to school at BYU-I. He started last week and so far he's been super super busy. He's loving it though (to finally be doing math again) and we're very excited that he only has 2 more years left! John is working at lowe's in idaho falls so he's gone for most of the day which leaves me home... doing basically nothing.

 I'm 18 weeks pregnant now which is pretty great. Morning sickness has gotten a little better but is definitely not over yet. I have a feeling it won't end for me. i sometimes feel like my body is just trying to kill me. Mom says my body is just trying to get rid of that foreign object (my baby) which MY BODY created! Well jokes on you body, you can't throw up a baby, so deal with it. I basically spend my time being sick all day so I don't have much of a life. I can't wait til my little baby is here! Being a mom is all I've ever wanted to do. I started feeling the baby moving 2 weeks ago which is very cool. It makes being sick worth it to know this is really happening, we're really having a baby.

My goal of learning filipino is not going so well. My rosetta stone pooped out and doesn't work anymore. so that's on hold for a bit.

I have an odd obsession lately with Minnesota. For about a week or 2, I've been begging john to take me back to live in Minnesota. I really can't figure it out but i'm guessing it's just my pregnancy hormones. I have a very intense feeling that's kind of like home sickness. For those of you who don't know, I kind of hated Minnesota, and I couldn't wait to move here to Idaho. i probably just hated living with my in-laws (which is never a good idea). But thinking back to our long drives to church and the green fields and the humid warm summer air.... aaaahhhh... i want to move back.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm having a baby!

So I changed my blog name to my HALF asian adventure. Guess why! I'm creating a half Asian inside of me right now. Well actually, the "creating" took place a few weeks ago ;) (thanks John) Now he or she (I think its a HE) is growing inside of me.
John and I are just thrilled with this awesome new experience. We have actually been trying to have a baby since we got married, not only because we wanted to and feel its right, but also because my doctor said I should.
you see, I have endometriosis, which is actually a pretty common disorder where the lining of the uterus starts to grow outside of the uterus, causing sores and scar tissue. It's extremely painful in some cases. I've had it for years and its progressively gotten worse. I had surgery for it in September, which didn't seem to do much except give me ugly scars. Supposedly pregnancy will get rid of it, or at least lessen the symptoms. Unfortunately for me, these first 6 weeks or so of my pregnancy have been extremely painful. I've had several tests done though and everything seems to be okay.
Well now that you're all caught up on my physical health, I wanted to tell everyone about my big goal. I want to speak tagalog (filipino) fluently before the baby gets here. That is all.
thanks for reading!