Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Recent happenings...

John's Family became US citizens

I watched.
yes, I'm wearing a snuggie...
Then we celebrated with American cake!
The ceremony was in a nice little town in Minnesota called Pelican droppings... I mean, pelican rapids. For some reason, I thought it was called pelican droppings the entire time we were there.... so I was walking around saying "Pelican droppings is such a nice little town."

John and I bought a car! We said goodbye to daisy (a yellow mazda) and got Tifa/Oba-maniqua (a black toyota corolla). I'd post a picture but all ya'll could just google it.... or sumthin.

Also, I passed my drug test... phew... so I'm all set for work on Monday! w00t w00t.

Today is Ate Joan's birthday (my sister-in-law)
John and I made a cake!

It's an ipod... oh... and we thought she was 28... but she's only 27. whoops...


Thursday, June 16, 2011

I wonder what someone would think if they could see John and I right now.  We are pigging out on soda and potato chips, we've probably burped (really loud) like 20 times, and we're singing our lungs out on the karaoke thingy. Today's a good day. John keeps saying I'm scaring him... and every time I burp, I beg him to still love me.
Guess what we're supposed to be doing right now? Preparing our talks for church on Sunday. We're both speaking. I've never really done this before so I'm a little nervous, even though I'll only be speaking in front of about 10 people in our branch. I'm sure I'll figure something out and John is just pro. He's not nervous.

Last night I made lasagna for dinner. I really stink at cooking. I would really really really appreciate it if all ya'll sent me some easy cheap recipes (: cause i'm starting to feel really bad. I made John sick with my lasagna... he's lactose intolerant people!  He's mentioned it before but i didn't really think he was serious... I realized he was when he ran to the bathroom last night after eating my super cheesy lasagna. So let's include some lactose free meals in those recipes eh?

Some of you might be wondering what our new plan for the wedding will be. Well, we don't know yet. We will know on Sunday. Our best idea now is to go to the Bismarck temple. It's 6 hours from here so we could just do it over the weekend. There's a lot of disappointments that come with changing locations... like I've wanted to get married in the St. George temple since I was 10. Also, my grandparents won't be there and my parents will have to fly here. Kiiiind of a bummer. But at least I still get to be married to JOHN!!! yay! I can't wait :)
Oh, and we are NOT registering at bed bath and beyond like everybody else does. It's lame. we already tried but we look at the towels and say, "how do we know if they're soft?" or "who's gonna wanna spend 20 bucks on one towel?" I'd so much rather just have money to buy the cheap stuff at walmart. Just send money... What?!?!?! I didn't say that... :) Is it really that bad to ask for money instead of presents? what if we end up with two of the same thing? what if we just don't like what people give us and we won't use it anyway? what if we'd rather have money to pay off our debts instead of fancy stuff for our apartment. So please, if you are planning on buying us gifts, just save time and send us the money you would've spent on the gift :) makes more sense right?

Everyone comment on my blog :) thanks ya'll.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Some times it's good to procrastinate...

I just got back from Texas yesterday. We stopped in Kansas to see my amazing brother and sister in law. Chris and Rachel are the best. I love family. 

So it's good to be home.... I just found out I got a job at Digikey! yay! So I get to quit my lame job at Kmart. Double yay! But here's the thing... I start in two weeks and I can't take any days off for 8 weeks. If you do the math, that ruins our wedding date.... triple not yay... 
We have no idea what we're going to do now but the wedding date IS going to be changed. I wish I could let everyone know when it'll be... since everybody needs to be getting their days off from work and such. 
so the reason I say it's good to procrastinate is because.... we haven't finished our wedding announcements yet! but that's perfect! we would have wasted money! yay for not wasting money! :)

Despite all the frustrating things in our lives right now... We are still super duper in love! and very very happy!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

oh life is so good!

My mom says people want to know I'm still here so I should update on my blog.
I walked to the library to use the internet... I got a blister. Now it's getting dark so I'm gonna make this quick and walk home barefoot. People keep driving by and waving at me. I feel cool.
I haven't showered in two days. I'm so broke that I can't even afford soap... so I use it very sparingly. I haven't worn makeup for a while and I am wearing my pajamas right now. I work at kmart. John still loves me even though I look terrible and don't clean my apartment. John cleans my apartment. He's amazing. It was 90 degrees here yesterday. wonderful. I'm getting married in 2 months. i never use my cell phone anymore. I rarely get on facebook. I still love everyone.... just don't have anything to talk to my old friends about. Being engaged is cool. my blister really hurts. I sure wish i could afford to buy new shoes. Moving here was the best decision I've ever made. I'd give everything up to be with John. so far, I haven't had to give much up. John is amazing. Filipinos are amazing. I have everything I need except.... a microwave. .... :)
The end.
good enough, mom?