Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The best day ever!

I took notes all day on a little piece of paper, writing down all the funny things John would say. Pretty soon, I noticed John was intentionally saying ridiculous things and looking down at my paper, waiting for me to write it down (:  so I put the paper in John's man purse. It's downstairs. I'm upstairs. So I'm gonna try real hard to remember everything.
Today was the best day ever! I started my first day of work at walmart. Then, I quit my job at walmart.
 i don't really wanna talk about that. sooooo moving on!
For breakfast, John warmed me up some left overs. We had spaghetti for breakfast. (it's an asian thing) I don't mind though, at least we didn't have rice again... (just kidding, I love eating rice for every single meal, every day...) anyway, i told john to put it in the same bowl and we would share it. I thought it'd be romantic. "hey john, lets eat out of the same bowl, like that one movie with the dogs...?" john says, "oh, aristocats?!" ha... no john. i see where you're confused though. In america we watch movies about dogs instead of eating them...

for those of you who don't know, John and I are getting married August 6th! We'll be married in the St. George temple and then have a reception that night at 6.  We'll also be having another reception the next week in Minnesota. That'll be the 13th. I'm very excited! Oh! and I bought my wedding dress the other day.
Since I've been engaged, and even more so since i moved here, i feel like my independence was just taken away from me. Don't get me wrong, i love living with john's family, and especially being so close to John... but i kinda miss my old life. I DO love change and adventure but leaving my friends and my sister and ZOEY!!! is really hard. I'm still trying to adjust. we MIGHT have an apartment. We will probably know tomorrow... i really really hope so. shhh don't tell, but i need my space! I'm not ready to be with john every day, all day. We never got the chance to date and get to know eachother. I still have moments occasionally where I look at john and say "I don't KNOW you!" haha. John is doing a great job of putting up with me though. He has taken me on a date everyday! He claims he doesn't know how to plan good dates but he totally does! like today, we got food (perfect date already) and we sat by the river and ate with our fingers (like Filipinos do) and we just had the best time ever! I love spending time with John and just falling even more in love everyday!

I think my brother Chris is really cool. He's the one that told me to start a blog. I want him to think I'm cool so that's why I'm doing this. Chris suggested that as John and I learn more about each other, I post about it. I guess it's interesting because John and i have only known each other for a month and a half or so and are getting married in 2 months or so. Tomorrow's blog will be about our little love story (: but from now on, every day I'm going to try to write something new that i learned about John.

yesterday and today, I learned that john doesn't get mad. well, he might get mad, but he certainly doesn't show it. The worst he'll do is walk out of the room without saying "I love you". I am a very lucky girl. I love my new life! and dating an Asian is the coolest thing I've ever done.

1 comment:

  1. You don't need to try and impress me. I think you are plenty cool just by being yourself.

    Also, what's the deal with WalMart?
