Saturday, May 21, 2011

I have no idea why John and I are up so late. We are both on facebook, chatting with each other, and sitting right next to each other. Oh aren't we just the cutest? haha. I'm gonna make this quick cause I'm super tired.

Highlights of my amazing day:

1- breakfast in bed!
2- plucking John's unibrow!
3- John got sick and came home from work. k, John actually being sick is lame but having him home was awesome (: We cuddled and watched movies and then I sang him some love songs on karaoke.
I realized that John is a much better singer than I am.... I suck.
4- seeing John in footy pajamas... I thought i loved John... but I really REALLY fell in love with John tonight when I saw him in his footy pajamas.

I'm so in love! and so super happy!
p.s. I get so super irritated at night. anyone who knows me would agree. so writing my blog at night is not a good idea. especially since John's with me and his english seems to get less understandable when he's tired.... lol. I'm gonna go to bed now (:

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