Sunday, March 17, 2013

Eli's first foods (baby led solids style)

I'm going to start blogging again... maybe.

Eli is almost 6 months old now and just starting to eat solid foods! For all of you that are freaking out when you see him with a whole banana or avacado with the peel still on! don't's the new cool thing. It's all the rage these days. It's called baby led weaning.  No, I'm not weaning him from the boob quite yet. (I'm one of those crazies that will still be feeding a 3 year old) (In public!... *gasp*.....) We're just introducing foods, which is so much fun!

Eli can sit up on his own (and has been for about 2 weeks) and he can totally feed himself, which he loves to do, so it's the perfect time to start solid food. He also goes crazy when we eat in front of him because he wants a bite soooo bad.

Anyway, his first food was banana and he loved it.

Tonight we gave him avacado. Yum!

He ate half of the avacado...  not counting what was smeared all over his face and chair. But still, he did great! I'm so proud of him. 

Next was of course bath time. Eli loves his bath.... especially now that he can sit up in the big tub and splash and play with toys. 

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