Saturday, June 4, 2011

oh life is so good!

My mom says people want to know I'm still here so I should update on my blog.
I walked to the library to use the internet... I got a blister. Now it's getting dark so I'm gonna make this quick and walk home barefoot. People keep driving by and waving at me. I feel cool.
I haven't showered in two days. I'm so broke that I can't even afford soap... so I use it very sparingly. I haven't worn makeup for a while and I am wearing my pajamas right now. I work at kmart. John still loves me even though I look terrible and don't clean my apartment. John cleans my apartment. He's amazing. It was 90 degrees here yesterday. wonderful. I'm getting married in 2 months. i never use my cell phone anymore. I rarely get on facebook. I still love everyone.... just don't have anything to talk to my old friends about. Being engaged is cool. my blister really hurts. I sure wish i could afford to buy new shoes. Moving here was the best decision I've ever made. I'd give everything up to be with John. so far, I haven't had to give much up. John is amazing. Filipinos are amazing. I have everything I need except.... a microwave. .... :)
The end.
good enough, mom?


  1. i have a microwave u can have hmmmm wonder how much shipping would be :)
