Sadly, being married isn't all about the afternoon delight or quickies before work... sometimes it's stressful, sometimes you do stupid things, and sometimes you just drive each other crazy.
Married life can be fun.... if you find things to laugh about. Turn around the bad situations and make them fun
Here's an example:
John and I are making dinner together the other night. we're going to have pork blades and mushroom gravy with potatoes. My favorite meal! so we're just havin a good ol' time and after I poor the milk in with my mushroom gravy and my potatoes, I decide to smell the milk cause the side of the jug look funny, ya know, with the chunky milk stuck to the side? yeah... YUCK!
So i still need a little more milk for the potatoes... what do i do? grab the left over heavy whipping cream in the fridge I had used for pie a few weeks ago. "this'll work, right?" I pour it in and then decide to smell that too. oops.
all John says is... "I used that milk on my cereal this morning"
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.... we laughed.
and then
We went shopping for milk after dinner.
Find reasons to laugh.